Die San Juan-Nacht in Alicante: Lagerfeuer und vieles Mehr, das Sie nicht verpassen können

Die San Juan-Nacht in Alicante: Lagerfeuer und vieles Mehr, das Sie nicht verpassen können


Wiber Rent A Car

The Night of San Juan (St. John) in Alicante has two clear protagonists: the sea and fire, two allies to attract good luck and push away bad omens on the shortest night of the year. During the Festival of San Juan in Alicante, the entire Costa Blanca is filled with bonfires lighting up the beach and the Mediterranean shores.

Die San Juan-Nacht (Johannistag) in Alicante hat zwei klare Protagonisten: Das Meer und das Feuer, zwei Verbündete, die Glück anziehen und schlechte Omen vertreiben, während der kürzesten Nacht des Jahres. Während dem Johannisfest in Alicante, wird die gesamte Costa Blanca mit Lagerfeuern gefüllt sein, die den Strand und die Mittelmeerküste erhellen.

Obwohl Johannis in der Nacht vom 23. auf den 24. Juni gefeiert wird, gehen in Alicante ab dem 20. August Tausende von Menschen auf die Straßen, um dieses Feuerbrauchtum zu feiern, umgeben von Musik, Farben, Schwarzpulver, Unterhaltung und (viel) Magie. Die Feuerwerkskörper rauschen unaufhörlich weiter, während die Einheimischen ihr großes Fest feiern, und das umso mehr im Jahr 2018, denn es wird der 90. Jahrestag des Johannisfest in Alicante sein.

Um den Beginn des Sommers zu feiern, gingen die Bürger von Alicante in der Nacht der Sommersonnenwende (23. Juni) zum Abendessen aufs Land; Sie schlemmten typische Produkte, entzündeten Lagerfeuer, tanzten um das Feuer herum, zündeten Feuerwerkskörper und badeten im Meer. Dieser Brauch hat sich über die Jahre Bestand gehalten. Im Jahr 1928 wurden offiziell die sogenannten Fiestas de Hogueras de San Juan (Feuerfest von San Juan) gegründet. Die Straßen sind mit kurzlebigen Kunstwerken bedeckt, die zusammen mit den Lagerfeueren mit Holz- und Pappfiguren, in der Nacht von San Juan verbrannt werden.

Natürlich gibt, wie bei allen guten Festen, gibt es die Haupt- und Kinder-Festival Königinnen, die in Alicante als Bellea del Foc (Schönheit des Feuers) bekannt sind.

Nicht zu verpassende Veranstaltungen während des Festivals von San Juan in Alicante

The Festival of San Juan in Alicante is much more than a single night of fire, embers and ashes. We at Wiber Rent a Car want you to experience new things, and for this reason we take you a little bit closer to the major feast in Alicante. Rent one of our cars, follow these steps and you will live the true San Juan experience!

Das Entfachen der Lagerfeuer

This act officially inaugurates the Festival of San Juan in Alicante. During the night of June 20th, each of the city’s districts (98 in total) sets up its own major and children’s bonfire; that is, the wooden and cardboard monuments that will burn on the Night of San Juan.

These sculptures are very similar to the Fallas in Valencia, which are also characterized by satire and humor. For four days the streets will be full of wit and a good humor, before being devoured by the flames.

On this same day the barracas are set up. These places set up as dance floors where festival-goers will also be able to enjoy the typical festive cuisine: a type of pastry stuffed with tuna, onion and pine nuts.


Einzug der Kapellen

Saturday June 16th is the turn of the so-called Entrada de Bandas (the entry of the bands) with their respective “beauties” and ladies-in-waiting wearing traditional farmer clothes. Members of all the commissions from the city’s 98 districts participate at this parade.


Die Opfergabe der Blumen

The flower offering is held on June 21st and 22nd. The “beauties” and ladies-in-waiting from each district parade and offer their flower bouquets to the Virgin of El Remedio, patron of the city.

This offering (a typical event at the patronal feasts of the Community of Valencia) is the oldest of its kind in Spain. Due to the large amount of people parading and the huge quantity of flower bouquets (over 10,000) the act is divided into two turns. A large multicolored tapestry is created at the Co-Cathedral of Saint Nicholas. It can be visited throughout the remainder of the celebrations.


Die Feuerwerkskörper (Mascletá und Feuerwerk)

Without a doubt, firecrackers are the protagonists of all the feasts in the Mediterranean coast, and so it is with the Festival of San Juan in Alicante: every day from June 19th to 24th at 2:00 p.m. there is a mascletá, a spectacle of gunpowder and sound that must be experienced live to be able to enjoy it will all your five senses.

Additionally, on the two nights following the night of San Juan (June 25th to 29th), a huge fireworks castle is lit at the Postiguet Beach. For 15 minutes, spectators will enjoy a wonderful show of light, gunpowder and sound.


Volkstümliche Parade

The international folkloric parade is one of the most crowded events at the Festival of San Juan. The streets of Alicante are filled with music bands, floats and dancers from different parts of the world, wearing their typical costumes and performing their traditional dances.

This parade is definitely worth seeing, since joy and color are its main protagonists.


Entfachung des Feuers

If the plantà sets off the beginning of the feast, the cremà marks the end of the Festival of San Juan on June 24th. With British punctuality at midnight sharp, a giant fireworks palm tree is launched from the Santa Bárbara Castle to mark the beginning of the bonfire cremation (the wooden and cardboard monuments).

The first bonfire that starts to burn is the one at the City Hall Square, lighting up the Bellea del Foc with a large burst. From then on each district proceeds to light their own bonfires, which will be devoured by flames all night long. During the cremà, firemen douse people in water to help them withstand the heat that the fires give off. This is known as the banyà. Meanwhile, the music band, as dedicated as if they were sinking with the Titanic, will play the festival song, A la llum de les fogueres s’abaniquen les palmeres, nonstop.

Cremà Nit de Sant Joan
. Von @AlicanteCity

As this year marks the 90th anniversary of the Feast of San Juan, the city of Alicante has been celebrating since June 1st. If you are planning to travel to Alicante you will already be able to experience part of the famous festival that welcomes in the summer..

Are you in? Tell us about your #WiberExperience at the Festival of San Juan in Alicante!

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